
Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Quench a Heat Wave with a Popsicle

It's shaping up to be a hot, dry summer here at Bittersweet Ridge.  We've begun our rain dances and watch the storms skirt around us.  We're up pretty early to work in the garden, weed and water the flowers, in order to beat the heat.  One treat that quenches our need for relief is a popsicle!  I recently read that popsicles came to be in 1905.  I had no idea.

In 1905, an 11 years olf boy, Frank Epperson, left a cup filled with powdered soda, water and a stirring stick on his porch overnight.  Low temps caused the mixture to freeze and a long time summer treat was born.  This year Popsicle (owned by the Unilever company) will release new Jolly Rancher flavors, however classic cherry is still the most popular.  Believe it or not, over two billion Popsicles are sold every year.

I must be in good company!

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